How does a CRM keep your information safe?

By Elizabeth Clay
August 2, 2021

Health Insurance Tips from Mark Dupré Insurance Expert in Illinois

How does a CRM keep your information safe in 2021? Living in an ever-changing digital world creates a variety of new concerns, including keeping your information secure. Some people may hesitate to have their information stored in a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system because of security concerns, but in reality, it is much safer than you may think.

What is a CRM?

insurance agent CRM system keeping data safe
The MLD Agency, Inc. uses Benefit Align Customer Engage

A Client Relationship Management system is a type of software that allows a business to better serve its customers. Within the system, your insurance agent has access to policy information, your most recently updated contact information, who they should be speaking with regarding you or your business’s policy, and any pertinent personal information. The CRM allows your agent to navigate a massive amount of data quickly and easily, which allows them more time to better serve you.

Nobody likes to receive unexpected phone calls or have their email overflowing with messages from their insurance agent. If your information is in our CRM system, our agents will know exactly when you were contacted last, and your preferred methods of communication. If we know when we last spoke to you and what we talked about, our agents will know not to call you again until it is necessary. We can also set reminders for ourselves within the system, so we’ll never miss an appointment with you.

Is my Information Safe?

The MLD Agency takes cybersecurity seriously. In order to break into the system and steal your information, a cybercriminal would need physical access to the computers at the MLD Agency, and then they would need the password. Even if they were able to crack the code, by the time they figured it out, the system would time out and not allow any more login attempts. This means that there are both physical and virtual barriers to someone outside of the agency being able to access your information.

We use a program called Benefit Align, which is comprised of two platforms. The first is Broker Engage, a quoting engine. Previously, to search for policies for individuals or businesses, the agent would need separate logins and passwords for each client. Now, they can use one password to enter the system and find policies for any agency customer. Keeping one login and password secure is far simpler than keeping track of hundreds manually, which leaves fewer passwords in cyberspace for someone to find.

The other platform is called Customer Engage, which is where all client notes and documents are stored. Any information that goes into Broker Engage is automatically transferred to Customer Engage, and all of that is stored in a secure, password-protected cloud.

Learn more about our customer experience

To stay up to date on the latest news from the MLD Agency, subscribe to our YouTube, and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn. Mark Dupre is a licensed insurance broker with over 37 years of experience in health, life, and disability insurance, and is passionate about building long-term relationships with his clients. Mark and his team are ready to help you find the right policy at the right price, and provide service with integrity.

Contact us if you need insurance or have additional questions about the safety of your data.

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