A Parents Guide to Newborn Health Insurance

By Michelle Davulis
June 2, 2021

Health Insurance Tips from Mark Dupré Insurance Expert in Illinois

A parents guide to newborn health insurance.
Keeping your baby covered for life.

A Parents Guide to Newborn Health Insurance by a Father and licensed insurance broker. Many believe once a child is born they automatically are covered by their health insurance carrier. While this is true there are steps you need to take as a new parent or continuing parent in order to ensure that your newborn baby is “insured”.

When your new bundle of joy is born you are worried about so many things. Mark Dupre, a 36-year insurance broker veteran, gives new parents a quick guide on making sure their newborn baby is covered by their insurance. For most, this seems like a no-brainer or they are wondering why you would need a guide. Seeing as Mark has over 36 years of experience in the industry, he has come across many issues. He has recently decided to talk about making sure your newborn baby is covered by your insurance and the steps to make sure they are insured.

The first thing to think about when your baby is born is what data is collected. The insurance company is going to want to know that your baby was born and survived. The hospital will quickly go to work doing their testing, weighing, measuring, and assessing. Once all of the data is collected and your baby is released from the hospital they will be assigned a social security number. This number needs to be reported to your insurance carrier within 30 days of your child’s birth.

We hope this simple guide gets you started with your new bundle of joy! Of course, more details can be found in the video as Mark speaks directly to new parents.

Don’t forget to call (630) 845-8678 or contact us with any and all insurance questions.

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